
california, here we come...

We're heading West tomorrow for a three-week tour.  I'm pretty excited, but kind of nervous because I've been procrastinating horribly about getting ready!  It will be fun regardless.

I'm getting all of the last little things together today...I have to go shopping for all of my gluten free goodness (it's kinda hard to find stuff that I can eat without some of the guys complaining about it, so I like to prepare and bring lots of snacks that I can fill up on so everyone else can eat sandwiches ;) ).  I'm also working on a teddy bear to donate to one of the schools Mario & I teach music at.  It's for their spring fundraiser and I need to get it finished before I leave in the morning!  So much to do, & here I am procrastinating again....I better go.

Cayce Danielle

P.S.  We have a few days off towards the end of the tour & I think that we are going to go to Utah!  I LOVE Big Love & just recently finished Jon Krakauer's Under The Banner of Heaven, so I've been wanting to go there for a while.  I know it's absolutely gorgeous and I can't wait to see it in person.